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To the Moon, privately

Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) has emerged as a pivotal initiative by NASA, aimed at fostering lunar exploration through collaboration with private companies.

The Program

This program epitomizes the agency's strategy to leverage commercial capabilities for space exploration, particularly with a focus on the Moon's south polar region. By outsourcing the task of sending small robotic landers and rovers to the lunar surface, NASA aims to achieve several objectives, ranging from scouting for lunar resources to testing innovative in situ resource utilization (ISRU) concepts. Moreover, the program is integral to supporting the broader ambitions of the Artemis lunar program, marking a significant milestone in NASA's pursuit of sustainable lunar exploration.

The Moon - NASA, Unsplash
The Moon - NASA, Unsplash

Payload services

Under the umbrella of the CLPS program, NASA seeks to procure end-to-end payload services using fixed-price contracts, effectively streamlining the process of sending payloads from Earth to the lunar surface. Managed by NASA's Science Mission Directorate in collaboration with the Human Exploration and Operations and Space Technology Mission directorates, the program places the onus on contractors to facilitate all aspects of payload delivery, encompassing integration, transportation, and operational logistics. This holistic approach underscores NASA's commitment to fostering partnerships with the private sector while advancing the frontiers of space exploration.

Since its inception, the CLPS program has witnessed notable milestones and developments. To date, several missions have been contracted under the program, signaling a tangible momentum in lunar exploration efforts. Despite encountering setbacks such as revoked and canceled contracts, NASA has remained steadfast in its commitment to advancing lunar exploration through commercial partnerships. These partnerships have not only diversified the pool of stakeholders involved in lunar exploration but have also injected dynamism and innovation into NASA's endeavors.

Towards a commercial Moon

The evolution of the CLPS program underscores NASA's strategic shift towards embracing commercial solutions for space exploration. With the cancellation of the Resource Prospector rover concept study in 2018, NASA pivoted towards a new paradigm of lunar surface exploration centered around commercial lander services. This shift paved the way for the formal launch of the CLPS program, heralding a new era of collaboration between NASA and commercial entities in lunar exploration.

Commercial Lunar Payload Services

The selection process for CLPS contractors has been rigorous, with NASA vetting and awarding contracts to companies deemed capable of delivering on the program's objectives. Notable recipients of CLPS contracts include Astrobotic, Intuitive Machines, and OrbitBeyond, among others, each tasked with delivering payloads to the lunar surface using their respective lander platforms. These partnerships signify a convergence of expertise and resources aimed at advancing scientific discovery and technological innovation on the lunar frontier.

The scope of CLPS missions encompasses a diverse array of objectives, ranging from scientific exploration to technology demonstrations. From scouting for water ice to creating 3D maps of lunar terrain, CLPS missions promise to unlock new insights into the Moon's composition and geological features. Moreover, the program holds immense potential for fostering advancements in in situ resource utilization, a critical aspect of enabling sustained human presence on the Moon and beyond.

Competition means innovation

The competitive nature of the CLPS program has catalyzed innovation within the space industry, driving down costs and accelerating the pace of lunar exploration. By leveraging the expertise of private companies and harnessing the capabilities of commercial launch vehicles, NASA aims to maximize the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of lunar missions. This collaborative approach not only expands the scope of NASA's exploration efforts but also fosters a vibrant ecosystem of commercial space enterprises.


Looking ahead, the CLPS program is poised to play a pivotal role in NASA's ambitious plans for lunar exploration and beyond. As the program continues to evolve and mature, it is poised to unlock new frontiers in space exploration, laying the groundwork for sustained human presence on the Moon and paving the way for future missions to Mars and beyond. Through strategic partnerships and innovative approaches, NASA and its commercial collaborators are poised to redefine the possibilities of space exploration in the 21st century and beyond.


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